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Everything You Need to Know About Space-A Flights: A Comprehensive Guide

Featured image for Space-A Travel, showing military personnel, Veterans, and their families boarding a military Space-A flight

Table of Contents

What Are Space-A Flights?

Space-A flights are flights provided at free or reduced fare for Veterans, enlisted personnel, and their families. These are non-commercial flights that utilize Department of Defense mission aircraft for a variety of reasons and are subject to availability. There are several priority tiers for these flights that enable people to get emergency flights for medical treatment, look for houses, see family, and more.

Passengers typically book Space-A travel when they have some flexibility for their trip dates and qualify for the seats. Space-A flights were called Military Air Command flights for many years and may also be called Air Mobility Command flights.

How Do Space-A Flights Work?

Book Space-A flights through your AMC contact at the passenger terminal or the terminal you want to depart from. Most people book flights approximately 72 hours before departure and will remain registered for up to 60 days. Passengers who need a flight related to an unfunded medical emergency receive priority seating at all times.

AMC flights are managed by Air Mobility Command and Space-A staff for the Department of Defense. Bag, weight, priority, and accompanying dependent restrictions will vary based upon travel type and situation. Many travelers who used to check in with a staff member at the terminal may now do so online.

Eligibility for Space-A Flights

Space-A travel is for enlisted personnel, Veterans, and their families as well as a limited number of people with qualifying exceptions. These exceptions may apply to those in the National Guard, on reserve duty, or family members of personnel not on active duty.

The Department of Defense supervises Space-A flight priority and publishes current official instructions for passengers and staff. Space-A flights become available on each trip after the required seats are assigned to those on mission-related travel. You may search the Department of Defense Directives Division website using related keywords or “Air Transportation Eligibility” to learn more. Staff members can help passengers understand the latest directives, tentative flight schedules, bag restrictions, emergency updates, and more.

Space-A military flights give priority seating to those on Accompanied Environmental and Morale Leave after those with an unfunded medical emergency. Those holding a Medal of Honor, enlisted in a foreign military, or house hunting on permissive temporary duty are in the third tier. This tier includes relatives and those on ordinary leave and is one level above those on unaccompanied EML.

The fifth priority tier includes those on permissive temporary duty who are not house hunting. This group also includes dependents, students, those on respite absence after deployment or mobilization, and others.

Some citizens and non-enlisted personnel working for the Department of Defense who live abroad on a base may qualify. The AMC website and terminal staff are helpful for non-enlisted travelers with a domestic or global itinerary.

Passengers need to show a Uniformed Services ID with the DOD number as well as relevant visa, passport, and immunization records. Some retired personnel can fly with a retired ID and proof of their Social Security number or have their ID updated.

Children under the age of 10 may be allowed to fly with a passport instead of a Uniformed Services ID. Staff can often retrieve the DOD ID number for children under 10 who travel with a passport. See the Space-A website for a current list detailing exceptions, additional foreign travel requirements, and more.

Space-A Flights for Veterans: What You Need To Know

Space-A flights for Veterans are available for those with a DD Form 2765, Defense Department ID Card (Tan). Any dependents or surviving spouses will need a DOD ID and required foreign paperwork as well as contingency plans. Passengers should have a reservation for commercial flights, ground transportation, and hotels with a reservation for Space-A travel.

Passengers may bring two bags weighing up to 70 pounds each and cannot bring pets of any size. Eligibility updates in 2020 and 2018 allow dependents to accompany disabled Veterans and surviving spouses to travel within the U.S. Many Space-A travel routes connect the United States and U.S. Virgin Islands, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, and American Samoa. These routes are usually the ones available free of charge to qualifying disabled Veterans and accompanying dependents.

Benefits of Using Space-A Flights

Space-A flights can help you get to your destination while saving money and working with a flexible flight plan. Space-A travel can help you with destinations that may not be easy to get to on domestic flights. They are a great way to enjoy more time with family or see a new place without stressing about departure times.

How To Book Space-A Flights

Look over your travel route thoroughly and consider necessary contingency plans when you go to book your flight. Travel was limited during the COVID outbreak and may be limited in certain areas with similar health considerations. You will need to get directives and paperwork for your destination as well as any medical signatures. This often entails working with a diplomacy office or embassy and anyone managing travel and accommodations for non-enlisted travelers.

Be sure to check on restrictions for expiration dates regarding your passport and other documentation as well as future medical appointments. Many foreign visa offices will not allow passengers to stay without a visa that will remain current for six months.

Relatively simple AMC flights may be booked on the appropriate website or via fax or email for certain travelers. Contact your Space-A travel staff at the nearest terminal when required and for complicated flight plans.

Look for tips on the Facebook page for your terminal or via the SMS notification system where in effect. Contact your agent three days before you want to book with all the necessary paperwork and contingency plans ready to go. Most bookings will involve an approval process and placement followed by a final confirmation online or in person.

Be Prepared for Changes

Managing expectations and staying prepared is an essential part of having a good experience while traveling on AMC flights. It is important to understand that the required seats and military cargo take priority and that people are dealing with emergencies. Try to make sure you have books, magazines, healthy beverages, and other things that will help you relax. Be prepared for temperature changes and layovers in areas with unexpected weather, travel restrictions, and traffic issues. Multiple changes of clothing, power banks for your phone or tablet, and extra roaming minutes can help you stay ahead.

Space-A Military Flights vs. Regular Flights

Space-A military flights tend to be colder with service and meals that vary more than those on commercial flights. Some passengers enjoy meeting new people, having a seat in the cockpit, or relaxing on interesting layovers. Note that experts advise against letting children roam around the plane and that harnesses may be in use during takeoff.

Some people feel Space-A travel tends to be loud and note that box lunches may be offered to some passengers.

Space-A Travel Tips and Best Practices

Stay prepared with some of your own snacks, pillows, blankets, and activities for yourself and anyone with you. You may not get much rest during Space-A travel and should schedule layovers and hotels during sleeping hours.

Some passengers love to ask about aircraft operations, take layovers on bases with golf courses, and watch in-flight movies. Space-A travel offers unique opportunities for adventure, meeting people from around the world, and traveling away from tourist areas.

Frequently Asked Questions About Space-A Flights

Passengers may check two pieces of luggage each under 70 pounds measuring up to 62 linear inches. You may combine the checked luggage count for families so that it equals two bags per person total.

Passengers may check two pieces of luggage each under 70 pounds measuring up to 62 linear inches. You may combine the checked luggage count for families so that it equals two bags per person total.

There is no way to pay for extra bags, bags over 70 pounds or exceeding 62 linear inches each. Passengers with one oversized bag may have it counted as both bags, and additional weight restrictions apply in some areas. There are exceptions for passengers on official business, and you should put your name on or inside each bag.

Space-A travel allows for one small carry-on per passenger measuring a maximum of 45 linear inches.

Passengers should consider carrying relevant leave paperwork with them and placing an additional copy inside each bag.

All four branches make joint decisions regarding eligibility and may have their own paperwork requirements or security concerns.

Experts note that booking during peak travel times and summer break can be more difficult for most people. It is almost always harder to book Space-A flights to South and Central America, Australia, and Africa.