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RoundUp Lawsuit: Everything You Need to Know

Featured image for RoundUp Lawsuit, showing a container of Roundup Weed and Grass Killer on a grass lawn

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Farmers and homeowners have been using RoundUp, a well-known herbicide, for decades. The product primarily uses the chemical glyphosate to eradicate unwanted weeds from crop plants, which would otherwise choke crops and steal nutrients from the soil. Initially, glyphosate was marked as safe for humans and animals, but its toxicity recently was called into question as widespread use of the chemical resulted in far greater exposure than originally intended. In 1985, studies showed a link between exposure to glyphosate and cancer in mice, and by 2016, the substance was coming up in alarming concentrations in American food products, in conjunction with rising cancer rates. As more studies came our linking RoundUp to instances of cancer, RoundUp litigation and Monsanto company lawsuits became some of the most common lawsuits dealing with the issue. In 2018, a San Francisco jury awarded a groundskeeper $39 million in damages in his RoundUp lawsuit for his exposure to the substance and its link to his diagnosis of non-Hodkin’s lymphoma. Since then, numerous lawsuits have emerged, alleging that Monsanto knew about and downplayed the higher rates of various types of cancers often observed in those with known RoundUp exposure. As of this writing, Monsanto is facing approximately 170,000 RoundUp settlement lawsuits.

Health Concerns: RoundUp and Cancer

It is important to note that studies regarding the safety of glyphosate’s use and its connection with various forms of cancer are still ongoing, but evidence is starting to emerge concerning this link. On their website, Monsanto acknowledges the continued global use of glyphosate, a practice that dates back over 50 years, and emphasize that the chemical underwent rigorous testing and studies prior to its widespread use. While glyphosate is a key ingredient in Monsanto Round Up, Bayer and Monsanto also point out that the product contains other substances, raising the possibility that these substances could potentially cause cancer instead of glyphosate. However, as Web MD also points out, all herbicides and chemicals, even natural ones, come with inherent risks to organisms.

When exposed to the substance, it is known to cause eye, nose, and throat irritation. If it gets in the eyes, it can cause corneal injury. If swallowed, it can cause burns and pain in the mouth and throat, along with nausea and vomiting. Long-term exposure to Monsanto Round Up, therefore, might be the root cause of health concerns in humans.

Some research indicates that glyphosate may be associated with RoundUp cancer, while others claim there is no link. The International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies glyphosate as a potential carcinogen in humans. According to the EPA, glyphosate is safe for people if used as directed. They also said that it is unlikely to cause cancer in humans. A 2023 study by the University of California, Berkeley, suggests that glyphosate may be a potential human carcinogen. The common RoundUp lawsuit frequently cites studies indicating a link to cancer, whereas the legal defense cites opposing studies.

RoundUp Settlement Details: What You Need to Know

Despite Bayer and Monsanto’s insistence that RoundUp is safe for human exposure, many legal firms have brought a Monsanto company lawsuit against the manufacturers for their clients, resulting in over $11 billion in RoundUp settlements already paid out in 165,000 lawsuits in the last ten years. If you plan to bring RoundUp litigation on your own behalf, here are some details to know:

  • Find a lawyer who specializes in this particular type of Monsanto company lawsuit. Many law firms advertise their services in RoundUp lawsuits, but research your choices thoroughly.
  • Fill out an online evaluation at your law firm of choice or schedule a consultation (most offer free consultations) to see if you qualify for the particular services they offer or a Roundup settlement.
  • Your legal team will get a portion of your winnings if you win your RoundUp litigation, but do not agree to anything more than 40%.
  • Provide your legal team with a copy of your medical records, both in paper and digital format, detailing your cancer diagnosis and the opinions of at least two doctors confirming that RoundUp exposure caused your condition.
  • Not all cancers are eligible for compensation. Individuals diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma or diffuse large B-cell subtype after 2006, who can demonstrate long-term and frequent usage of Roundup, may qualify for compensation. Other cancers also qualify for a Monsanto company lawsuit.
  • File your claim along with your lawyer and negotiate a settlement.
  • Most claims must go to trial.
  • The average payment amount is around $160K, depending on the details.
  • To offset some of the costs, consider participating in a class action lawsuit, although the payout may be smaller due to the equal distribution among all participants.

The following conditions meet the accepted eligibility requirements, given the possibility of RoundUp being a contributing factor:

  • Non-Hodgkins lymphoma
  • Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
  • B-Cell Lymphoma
  • Follicular lymphoma
  • Small lymphocytic lymphoma
  • Marginal zone lymphoma
  • Mantle cell lymphoma
  • T-Cell lymphoma
  • Lymphoblastic leukemia
  • Burkitt lymphoma
  • Hairy cell leukemia
  • Primary central nervous system lymphoma

RoundUp Lawsuit Update: Recent Developments

Read more about the array of RoundUp lawsuit updates that are settled and more underway at this link, as well as various factors affecting these cases at this link. Plaintiffs suing Bayer/Monsanto for damages resulting from exposure to RoundUp have settled these lawsuits in recent years.

  • In March 2019, a federal jury awarded $80 million in his Roundup litigation to Edwin Hardeman, a retired farmer who developed NHL after using Roundup on his land for decades.
  • In August 2018, a California jury awarded $289 million to Dewayne Johnson, a former school groundskeeper who got NHL after years of using Roundup.
  • In October 2023, a Pennsylvania jury awarded $175 million to Ernie Caranci, an 83-year-old man who blamed his cancer on using the company’s weed killer.
  • In October 2023, a California jury awarded $332 million to 57-year-old Michael Dennis, a retired land surveyor.
  • On September 15, 2024, the most recent RoundUp litigation opened in a trial in Philadelphia. The strategy underwent a revamp due to the dismissal of a plaintiff’s case in California in March 2024, which was attributed to a lack of structure or evidence in the case filing.
  • In July 2024, the appeals court reversed and remanded a previously dismissed plaintiff’s case, finding in favor of the plaintiff after determining that the omission of expert testimony from Dr. Charles Benbrook, an authority on Environmental Protection Agency regulations, was erroneous and not harmless.

Frequently Asked Questions About the RoundUp Lawsuit

Opponents assert that RoundUp poses an unacceptable level of risk to the environment and to human health due to its possible link to certain types of cancer.

Opponents assert that RoundUp poses an unacceptable level of risk to the environment and to human health due to its possible link to certain types of cancer.

In 2013, a study emerged, indicating a potential connection between glyphosate and specific cancers. In 2015, the World Health Organization included the chemical in their list of potential carcinogens, leading to the filing of the initial lawsuits against Monsanto.

Victims allege that a variety of cancers may be caused by constant and regular exposure to RoundUp, usually by those who handle the substance regularly, such as farmers and groundskeepers.

Monsanto, now a part of the Bayer Company, is the firm that first developed the RoundUp product several decades ago. Plaintiffs in injury lawsuits against them allege that the company knew of RoundUp’s potential dangers and either failed to report them or downplayed them.

Contact a personal injury lawyer specializing in Roundup litigation and fill out an eligibility form online to see if your condition qualifies.

Damage awards to plaintiffs could range from $100K to several million dollars.

With the aid of an attorney, you can file a personal claim against the company or join a class action lawsuit already in progress. Seek the advice of a personal injury attorney representing RoundUp victims.

Gather your evidence in the form of your medical records and the opinions of at least two doctors, and bring your records to a RoundUp litigation expert to begin the process.

Click on this link to keep up to date with the legal proceedings against RoundUp.

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