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TRICARE for Active Duty Service Members: Your Complete Guide to Benefits, Eligibility, and Enrollment

Featured image for TRICARE for Active Duty, showing a stethoscope and a military dog tag with a flag of the United States

Table of Contents

The Veterans Administration provides several services and benefits to military personnel, the more well-known being its healthcare system. For many who served in the Armed Forces, VA healthcare is free and requires little to no copayments. The VA healthcare system has many aspects, each branch pertaining to a version of its healthcare based on a person’s service record or their relationship to a Servicemember. The VA TRICARE system is one such program of the VA healthcare system. TRICARE is the program for active duty Servicemembers, active duty family members, National Guard and Reserve members and their family members, retirees and retiree family members, survivors, and certain former spouses worldwide. It synthesizes many resources in the VA healthcare system, such as hospitals and clinics, as well as partnerships with civilian healthcare providers and pharmacies. The goal of this system is to provide uniformed members of the military a convenient and affordable healthcare system that offers as many healthcare benefits and opportunities to the military personnel and their families as possible through a variety of TRICARE plans. You can read more about the TRICARE system in this article.

What is TRICARE for Active Duty?

TRICARE for Active Duty is the branch of the VA Healthcare system that provides healthcare to active duty members of the military and their families. TRICARE for Active Duty insurance might not always be free for everyone enrolled in the program, as there are often annual fees or copayments, especially when seeing a civilian healthcare professional. However, when compared to civilian healthcare, many find TRICARE for Active Duty to be far more cost-effective and affordable, as well as a viable alternative to civilian healthcare that might disqualify someone for a variety of reasons, such as a length of time without coverage or a pre-existing condition. TRICARE for Active Duty members and their families provides comprehensive healthcare coverage, covering hospital visits, routine doctor’s appointments, and a variety of other health-related services, if they meet TRICARE eligibility.

TRICARE Plans for Active Duty: Exploring Your Options

The TRICARE program offers several different TRICARE plans for Servicemembers based on type and length of duty.

TRICARE Prime: This is the most popular of the TRICARE plans, which is a managed healthcare plan offered by the Department of Defense to eligible service members, retirees, and their families. The plan offers managed care through a primary care manager, through a network of military hospitals and clinics, as well as partnerships with civilian healthcare providers. The plan typically includes copayments and deductibles, and it covers prescription drugs. Those who served in active duty are the target audience for these TRICARE plans.

TRICARE Prime Remote: This is a managed care program within the overall TRICARE program, which provides medical services for active duty Servicemembers and their families stationed in remote locations within the United States but living more than 50 miles or a one-hour or more drive from a military facility or medical clinic. This plan allows eligible members to receive care near their homes and work from participating healthcare providers without out-of-pocket expenses and copayments.

TRICARE Overseas: This part of the TRICARE international program is intended for active duty Servicemembers and their families stationed overseas but living near a military base, facility, or clinic from where they can receive care. There are no copayments for this plan, and it offers a primary care manager and prescriptions. It also provides reimbursement options for individuals who seek care from non-military providers. 

TRICARE Prime Remote Overseas: This part of the TRICARE program is the option for active duty Servicemembers stationed overseas and not near a US military facility. This TRICARE international plan provides the option to receive medical services from nearby approved TRICARE-authorized providers or through a referral from your PCM for any services they cannot provide, such as specialized medical procedures. 

Dental Options for Active Duty

Many TRICARE for Active Duty plans also offer dental plans as part of preventative care. Below are the three common plans in the TRICARE system. All of them offer comprehensive dental coverage, routine six-month cleanings, and coverage for some forms of specialized dental care, such as oral surgery.

Active Duty Dental Program: This plan is for active duty Servicemembers, as well as National Guard and Reserve on continuous duty for more than 30 days. It is also available to anyone getting inpatient care at a VA hospital and anyone who sustains a service-related injury.

TRICARE Dental Program: This plan is for the family members of active duty Servicemembers, National Guard and activated Reservists, as well as certain survivors of Veterans. You must register for it separately from the Active Duty Dental Program.

FEDVIP Dental: This is a voluntary dental insurance plan for retired Servicemembers and their families, Medal of Honor recipients and their families, and certain survivors of Veterans. 

Eligibility Criteria for TRICARE for Active Duty

To be eligible for TRICARE for Active Duty, you must be a uniformed service member on active duty, along with your eligible family members, which includes spouses and dependent children, all registered in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS). Some points to remember:

  • Active duty service members: All active duty military personnel are eligible for TRICARE.
  • Family members: Spouses and dependent children of active duty service members are also eligible for TRICARE insurance.
  • Registration in DEERS: To access TRICARE benefits, all eligible individuals must be registered in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS).
  • Updates: You need to update your TRICARE Active Duty eligibility whenever you experience a “Qualifying Life Event” (QLE), such as marriage, birth of a child, divorce, or separation from active duty, as these changes may affect your family members’ eligibility and coverage options.

Active-duty military families can also enroll in the TRICARE Prime plans with TRICARE online, or they might qualify for other plans based on their changing TRICARE eligibility. Read more about TRICARE for Spouses & Dependents at this link to get further information. 

How to Enroll in TRICARE as an Active Duty Service Member

Enrollment for TRICARE for Active Duty plans is usually automatic upon enrolling in the military, but not for military families. To change your plan or add family members, speak with a VA clinic or military installation advisor or register online. The TRICARE online registration steps are:

  • Access TRICARE online through milConnect: You need to access the milConnect website to enroll in TRICARE online.
  • Beneficiary Web Enrollment (BWE): Once logged in to milConnect, use the BWE feature to select your plan.
  • Automatic enrollment in TRICARE Prime: Active duty service members are typically automatically enrolled in the TRICARE Prime plan based on their duty station.
  • Manage your plan: You can make changes to your plan and manage it through the milConnect portal, as well as update your personal information, check on claims, and manage your benefits.

Frequently Asked Questions about TRICARE Active Duty Coverage

You can log into milConnect to access the DEERS system for TRICARE online access. From there, you can modify your address, phone number, and email address by navigating to the “Contact Info” tab and selecting “Update Contact Info” to make changes. You can also update your details by calling 1-800-538-9552. These changes will then reflect in your TRICARE for Active Duty information.

You can log into milConnect to access the DEERS system for TRICARE online access. From there, you can modify your address, phone number, and email address by navigating to the “Contact Info” tab and selecting “Update Contact Info” to make changes. You can also update your details by calling 1-800-538-9552. These changes will then reflect in your TRICARE for Active Duty information.

Yes, this is possible through the Tricare Overseas and Tricare Overseas Remote plans. 

If they register in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS), dependents of active duty service members can use TRICARE insurance.

TRICARE Prime is a managed care option within the TRICARE insurance system, typically offering lower out-of-pocket costs compared to other plans but with less flexibility in choosing providers. It primarily utilizes military hospitals and clinics within designated “Prime Service Areas” where you must use a designated Primary Care Manager (PCM). Other TRICARE plans allow for more provider choice within a wider network.

You can check milConnect online under “My Account,” then “Explanation of Benefits.” You can contact your regional military installation health officer or your regional contractor as well for your TRICARE insurance benefits.

Yes, they are included in most TRICARE insurance plans.