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TRICARE for Dependents: A Comprehensive Guide to Health Insurance for Families of Military Members

Featured image for TRICARE for Dependents, showing a happy military family in their living room

Table of Contents

When the decision was made by the Department of Defense to offer Servicemembers certain benefits for their service, such as healthcare and education, this consideration was also extended to the families of Servicemembers as well. The DoD quickly realized that supporting Servicemembers alone was not enough and that mission readiness and work-life balance for all US Armed Forces members depended on their families and dependents. For months at a time, many are deployed on active-duty missions, missing out on significant family events. It seemed only natural to extend these benefits to the families of Servicemembers in a show of gratitude for this sacrifice. The Veterans Administration extended the TRICARE insurance system to the dependents of Servicemembers, by providing family members of active-duty Servicemembers, retirees, and eligible members of the National Guard and Reserve access to healthcare benefits through the military health system. Read on to learn more.

What is TRICARE for Dependents?

TRICARE refers to a managed healthcare program offered through the Veterans (VA) to Servicemembers and their families. It offers coverage for primary care management, preventative and routine checkups, hospitalization, prescriptions, and, in some cases, dental and vision coverage. You can learn more about TRICARE in general at this link

For the spouses and children of Servicemembers who qualify for TRICARE insurance, their eligibility is also determined by their sponsoring Servicemember’s length, time, and type of service. To be eligible for TRICARE for dependents, they must be registered in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) and must be the spouse or the dependent child of a Servicemember. In some cases, the parents of Servicemembers also qualify, but these are usually special cases.

As it functions within the overall TRICARE insurance system, dependents can access the same TRICARE plans as their sponsor, depending on their sponsor status and location. In most cases, TRICARE plans for dependents cover routine medical care, prescription drugs, and certain specialist services. It does not often offer dental or vision, which are separate services. Children can remain on TRICARE for dependents until they turn 21. You can learn more about TRICARE for Active-Duty at this link and TRICARE for Retired Military Members at this link. The TRICARE insurance program for dependents does not delineate between spouses and children; that is to say, TRICARE for dependents and TRICARE for spouses offer the same benefits.

TRICARE Plans for Dependents

TRICARE insurance is not just one plan but instead is an umbrella system that offers many different types of plans based on type of service. For the dependents of Servicemembers on the TRICARE for dependents and TRICARE for spouses programs, some of the following are available to them:

TRICARE Prime: These plans include TRICARE-P, TRICARE Prime Remote, and TRICARE Prime Overseas. There is also a TRICARE Young Adult Prime option. This is basic coverage that functions like an HMO, in which the beneficiary receives managed healthcare at VA-operated clinics and hospitals.

TRICARE Select: This plan is a flexible option that allows beneficiaries to see any authorized provider and functions like a PPO.

US Family Health Plan: This plan is available to eligible military families who live near certain civilian medical facilities in different regions of the United States and receive care at these facilities.

TRICARE Reserve Select: This is a premium-based health insurance plan specifically designed for qualified members of the Selected Reserve (National Guard and Reserve) and their families, and it functions like a PPO.

TRICARE Retired Reserve: This is a premium-based healthcare plan available to qualified retired members of the National Guard and Reserve under the age of 60 and eligible family members.

TRICARE for Life: This plan is for older members of the TRICARE system and serves more as a supplement to Medicare Parts A and B, where Medicare is the primary insurance and TRICARE for spouses fills in any gaps not covered by Medicare. TRICARE for Life is a supplemental plan.

TRICARE Young Adult Plan: This is a premium-based health insurance option available to qualified adult children of military Servicemembers who have aged out of regular coverage. This is usually between the ages of 21 and 23, allowing them to access medical benefits until they reach 26.

Dental Options for Dependents

Dental and vision coverage is not usually an automatic part of TRICARE insurance, but some dental plans are available to the dependents of Servicemembers. The TRICARE Dental Program (TDP) covers a variety of services for dependents, including preventative care, cleaning treatments, sealants, exams, x-rays, fillings, oral surgery, tooth extractions, crowns and dentures, orthodontics and braces, along with some other specialized services. To access this program, the sponsoring Servicemember must sign their dependents up for it separately. You can enroll in TRICARE dental at the milConnect website via the BWE online portal.

Eligibility Criteria for TRICARE for Dependents

To be eligible for TRICARE for dependents and TRICARE for spouses, a sponsor must register their dependents in the DEERS TRICARE system at TRICARE online. A dependent must meet the following requirements:

  • They are the biological, adopted, or stepchild of a Servicemember.
  • Children are under the age of 21 or are between the ages of 21 and 23 and in school full-time.
  • They are the children of Servicemembers, but have severe disabilities and require coverage beyond the age limit.
  • Stepchildren are eligible for benefits as long as the parent of the child and sponsor are married.
  • A spouse is legally married to a Servicemember.
  • A spouse is separated or divorced from the Servicemember but is not remarried. The spouse must maintain their registration in the DEERS TRICARE system and continue to meet TRICARE eligibility requirements.

How to Enroll in TRICARE for Dependents as Family of Military Members

The sponsoring Servicemember must enroll their dependents in a TRICARE plan themselves. To enroll, the dependents must be registered in the DEERS TRICARE system and TRICARE online, which involves providing documentation, such as birth certificates, adoption papers, and marriage licenses. Once registered in DEERS TRICARE, dependents are usually automatically enrolled in a TRICARE for dependents plan, though the Servicemember must choose a specific plan based on their situation. The steps are as follows:

  1. Ensure your dependents are registered in DEERS. You may start the DEERS TRICARE registration at your local VA office or facility or your military installation.
  2. Gather documentation. During the registration process, you must provide documentation proving that your dependents are indeed related to you.
  3. Choose a plan. Your dependents automatically enroll in TRICARE plans for active-duty dependents if you are on active duty. If you are other than active duty, you may need to select the appropriate TRICARE plans based on your service.
  4. Register online. You can access your TRICARE online benefits at milConnect through the BWE portal. From here, you can change your plan, update your personal information and that of your dependents, and check claim status and benefits.

Frequently Asked Questions about TRICARE Dependent Coverage

Anyone who is the spouse or legally separated but unmarried spouse of a Servicemember, the biological child, adopted child, or stepchild of a Servicemember qualifies for TRICARE for dependents.

Anyone who is the spouse or legally separated but unmarried spouse of a Servicemember, the biological child, adopted child, or stepchild of a Servicemember qualifies for TRICARE for dependents.

To enroll in TRICARE for dependents and TRICARE for spouses, you must ensure that they are enrolled in the DEERS TRICARE system. You can do this online through milConnect and TRICARE online or at your local VA office.

Yes, dependents of retired Veterans can use benefits alongside their retired sponsoring Servicemember.

For the dependents of Servicemembers, TRICARE-P functions as an HMO, and care is usually given in VA clinics and hospitals. Dependents on TRICARE-S are on a plan that functions as a PPO and typically allows more flexibility to see civilian providers, especially if they live more than 50 miles away from a VA facility.

Dental and vision are not typically part of a TRICARE plan but instead are separate services. The sponsoring Servicemember must enroll their dependents in the TDP program to receive dental and vision.

Yes, as long as the young adult is between the ages of 21 and 23 and enrolled full-time in an educational program and meets TRICARE eligibility requirements.

You may log in to TRICARE online through milConnect and navigate to the benefits portal (BWE) to manage your plan and benefits for your dependents.

Yes, an adult child of a Servicemember may remain on the plan if they are permanently disabled and dependent on the sponsor.